Terms of Use


1. General

By using this website, you are deemed to have acknowledged that you have read these Terms of Use and that you agree to abide by them. These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Drum Capital Management LLC (“Drum Capital”), the owner of the website, and govern your access and use thereof. We may change, add or remove portions of the Terms of Use from time to time. Your use of this website indicates your full acceptance of these Terms of Use each time you access the website. If you do not accept all or any of the Terms of Use, you must cease use of this website immediately.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

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None of the information contained in this website is intended to be reproduced or redistributed in any manner. You may not publish, broadcast, retransmit, reproduce, repackage, commercially exploit, create any derivative of or otherwise redistribute all or any portion of this website except with the prior written consent of Drum Capital.

3. Ownership

All content included on this website, such as descriptions, pictures, documents, graphics, logos, articles and other material, is the property of Drum Capital or others and is protected by copyright and/or other laws. The inclusion of content on this site does not grant, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of such content without the prior written permission of Drum Capital or other owner of the content. All trademarks and logos displayed on this website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with Drum Capital. Any unauthorized use thereof may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity and other applicable regulations and statutes.

4. For Informational Purposes Only

Drum Capital is a registered investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Drum Capital’s registration is not an endorsement by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or by any other party. The information on this site is intended solely for the benefit of firms and companies seeking private equity investment capital by providing general information on our services and philosophy.

Nothing on this website is intended to constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Any offer or solicitation by Drum Capital will be made only through a final private placement memorandum, subscription agreement and other related documents with respect to a particular investment opportunity and will be subject to the terms and conditions contained in such documents, including the qualifications necessary to become an investor. Although this website may include investment-related information, nothing on this website is a recommendation that you purchase, sell or hold any security or other investment, or that you pursue any investment style or strategy. Nothing on this website is intended to be, and you should not consider anything on this website to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice.

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You may not access this website or use the information contained herein for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with these Terms of Use. You warrant that when using this website you will not violate or facilitate any violation of any applicable local, state, federal or international law, statute, regulation, code or ordinance, including, without limitation, regulations promulgated by or the rules of any national or other securities exchange. Permission to use this website shall terminate automatically if you breach any of the terms and conditions contained herein.

You agree to access this website and use the information contained herein solely for your own noncommercial use and benefit, and not for resale or other transfer or disposition to, or use by or for the benefit of, any other person or entity. You agree not to use, transfer, distribute or dispose of any information contained in this website in any manner that could damage the business of Drum Capital or its portfolio companies.

Prior written permission from Drum Capital is required for making more than a personal use copy of the content of this website or for copying large portions of this website, such as by bots, robots or spiders that “harvest” the site. If you seek permission for such use of this website, you must contact Joe (Joseph Peters) at IR@drumcapital.com.

6. Disclaimers; Risks you Assume by Using this Website

Although we intend to provide accurate and up-to-date information on this website, at times there may be errors in the information provided. We may not be able promptly to update or correct information even if we are aware that it is inaccurate, outdated or otherwise inappropriate. Therefore, this website is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties of any kind. We do not warrant that the information on this website is accurate, reliable, up-to-date or correct, that this website will be available at any particular time or location, or that this website is free of viruses or other harmful components. Your use of this site and use or reliance upon any of its content is solely at your own risk. Neither Drum Capital nor any of our members, officers, directors, employees or agents are responsible for any damages, liabilities or injury, including but not limited to indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or for any lost profits or losses, however caused, arising out of your use of (or inability to use) this website or these Terms of Use.

We cannot guarantee the security of this website. Electronic communications can be intercepted by third parties and, accordingly, transmissions made to or from links in this website may not be secure. Communications to Drum Capital from links in this website, including any communications containing investment ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques which may be considered confidential or proprietary by the sender, will not be treated as confidential or proprietary by Drum Capital. Anything transmitted by you to Drum Capital through this website becomes the property of Drum Capital and may be used by us for any lawful purpose. Persons wishing to protect such information should contact us in advance to enter into an appropriate, mutually agreed-upon written confidentiality or other agreement. Drum Capital. retains the right at all times, on behalf of itself or any private equity fund it manages now or in the future, to invest in any business, including any business that competes or may in the future compete with any party submitting information through this website.

We are have no control over or responsibility for other websites that may be accessible from this website, the contents thereof, their security or privacy policies, or any products/services that may be offered by them. If you access any third party website through this website or because it is referred to in this website, you do so at your own risk. Links to or from this website do not constitute an endorsement by Drum Capital of the parties or businesses which are so linked or necessarily indicate any affiliation between us and such parties or businesses.

7. Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice addresses information collected by Drum Capital and measures that Drum Capital takes to preserve the privacy and security of such information. This Privacy Notice is in addition to the privacy notice that is provided to limited partners in the private funds managed by Drum Capital. This Privacy Notice applies to information collected from, or which may be submitted to, Drum Capital’s website. At the present time, Drum Capital does not collect any personally identifiable information about visitors to the publicly available areas of Drum Capital’s website, including visitors’ names, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers or email addresses. Drum Capital’s website uses “cookies” technology, through which small amounts of data are sent to your computer from Drum Capital’s web server and stored on your computer’s hard drive. This data identifies you as a unique user when visiting Drum Capital’s website, and helps Drum Capital in the ongoing maintenance of its website. This technology does not provide Drum Capital with information about your name, address, phone number, email address or any other personally identifiable information. However, Drum Capital does log visitor IP addresses.

Drum Capital does not share information collected from the publicly available areas of Drum Capital’s website with other parties, but reserves the right to disclose any such information when required by a valid subpoena or court order, or as otherwise required by law. Drum Capital maintains operational policies, including physical, electronic and procedural protections, to safeguard and secure its data networks in order to prevent unauthorized access to data collected online.