Drum Capital has experience investing across major industrial segments including consumer goods and services, manufacturing, home building products, telecommunications, auto, business services and other industrial sectors. Through a family of vintage funds, our Investment Team has completed more than 50 primary fund investments and more than 50 direct and co-investment transactions. We have evaluated several thousand investment opportunities since inception.
Select Unrealized Direct & co-Investments
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select Realized Direct & co-Investments
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The investments listed above reflect a select set of direct deep value and turnaround investments made by Drum Capital. Identified prior direct and co-investments are listed here to illustrate investments that Drum Capital believes are representative of investment opportunities in which Drum Capital seeks to Invest. Investments listed above do not represent all of the investments made by Drum Capital. For a complete list of Drum Capital’s direct and co-investments, please request a schedule of investments. For Drum Capital’s unrealized investments, an investor should be aware that each investment may or may not be profitable at the time of exit. Prior performance is no guarantee of future results.